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Mar 06, 2014  One of the most misunderstood and debatable terms in Poker is “Checking the nuts”. This term came into lime light in 2009 during the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main event. A female poker player(who had apparently won a contest to get entry into the event) was taken aside and was penalized & patronized for “Checking the nuts”. She had Before we jump on the conclusions & inferences. Poker rules checking the nuts. Tournament rules state the player who holds an undisputed winning hand on the final round of betting, is last to act, and either checks or flat-calls (calling after one bet), will receive a penalty. This rule refers only to undisputed winning hands as opposed to a nut-straight which is a. Dec 13, 2019  Checking The Nuts Podcast is the ONLY option for casual poker talk. Join Alec Rome and Geoff Exstrom weekly as they give a non-expert view on the experts of. This is a discussion on Checking back the nuts on river within the online poker forums, in the General Poker section; What is the rule in poker about checking if you have the nuts? I saw a player.


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