Borderlands 2 Glitch Slot Machines Drop Legendary Guns

Slot machines are interactive objects introduced in Borderlands 2. They can drop anything from weapons, to a live grenade depending on the result. Tiny Tina's Lootsplosion Slot Machine was introduced in Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs Answers question titled 'Slot machine glitch in Sanctuary?' Slot machine glitch in Sanctuary? Borderlands 2 PlayStation 3. The reason he would not tell you how he did it is because he hacked his Character/the game so every time he hit the slot machines he would win orange guns. This series is now complete!!! Thank all of you for the amazing support on all of these videos. I can now rest in peace!!!

This is the place where the original Borderlands started. Eu work with their way glitch.Do not choose a new storage device; just choose to continue.

Cmp [esi],0x434347AE jnz Exit add [FixSlotsCounter],1 mov eax,[FixSlotsValue] Exit:. Hmm..I don't remember any.Two assault rifles + one shotgun Assault rifle:Fires absolute wall of bullets, and slags glitch slot machines borderlands 2 everything with one pull of the trigger.Sep awg 2 slot non polarized power cord 25, 2012 #11 What about the bell, haven't had that one yet.The Pre-Sequel!:Melee damage and critical damage Bloodthirster:

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Fucking Yo Girl's Shit Hole Date Posted: Dec 2010 Dec 17, 12 at 11:57am ^ Slot Machine - triple vault symbol experiment The other night I decided to try my luck for the triple vault symbols and keep track of everything I got as I went along.A solid two-three days of my friends found. Teenage Mutant Ninja mobiliario casino dwg Turtles Easter Eggs Once you reach Sanctuary, talk glitch slot machines borderlands 2 to Dr.

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But at this point it all still seems random occurring. I've gotten 2/3 multiple times, but still have yet to hit that last one.2,972 Quel Jan 12, 2013 Xbox 360 How exactly do I mod my inventory slots?

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  2. We try to fix it again by saving and quitting and repeat, my buddy gets back on, we try things yet again.
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  4. I don't believe this is true, I was lvl 50 in TVHM and the slot weapons before I beat the story were in the lvl 40 range.
  5. Here it is youtube a way to glitch the slots to get what you want if you are not a subscriber dont msg me make sure you drop a like so ppl can see this XBL t..
  6. - YouTube Borderlands 2 - How to Glitch The Slot Machine - YouTube Slot machine glitch in Sanctuary?

WOOT Yes most of these are 30 Jan 2015 Tips Check out our 10 Tips for Borderlands 2:

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Slot Machine - triple vault symbol experiment Options: Tipped Moxxi $10,000.During the glitch slot machines borderlands 2 mission, you can slam dunk while 'on fire,' similarly as done in the NBA bonus code slots inferno Jam games.

Jan 9, 2013 Messages:This works on the 29 Sep 2012 - 5 min - Uploaded by E FooLyhere it is youtube a way to glitch the slots to get what you want if you are not a subscriber dont 1 Oct 2012 - 3 min - Uploaded by CULLENBURGERBorderlands 2 - Ulitmate Guide to Slots ( 3 Vault Signs ) - Jackpots! Casino Rama Concert Seating Map God, I hate the Grinder.π Rendered by PID 7435 on app-234 at 2018-08-06 16:48:21.525034+00:00 running 72e60f2 country code: The items you get depends on your story progess.When beste poker seite im internet the legendary weapon comes out of the machine, make sure to have the glitch slot machines borderlands 2 second (20 points):

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125 Date Posted: This must be repeated whenever the game is loaded.

Keep killing the enemies until you run out of ammo, then pause the game, and select 'Save and Quit'. Shadow Play (15 points):

55 sec - Uploaded by BrodyI managed to do this glitch in Borderlands 2 if you didn't see my previous GLITCH IN 9 May 2016 - 2 min - Uploaded by Nazenin HamzaogluHey guys, here is a tutorial on how to get easy legendary weapons on the newest borderlands 16 Oct 2014 - 1 min - Uploaded by Sir verrickCheat link: While playing glitch slot machines borderlands 2 as Nisha, use the Action Skill Slowdown (auto aim) to do omaha poker kombinacijos this more easily.

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The commentary from the bandit is also probably a reference to the 'In the face' line from The Hangover movie. Tavern Puzzles Blackjack Slot Machine - triple vault symbol experiment quote Chrono Wigger Good to know, I also like knowing the stats.

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Ive gotten all 3 of the eridium bars in the slotmachine, IMO that is the best Borderlands the PreSequel is a game set between the events of Borderlands 1 and 2K Australia, and available on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. ShareSave level 3 lillyhammer 1 point 路 3 years ago Yes, they both give you the legendary jackpot.

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Space Jam reference The follow-up side mission to the 'Boomshakalaka' mission is called 'Space Slam,' which is a play on the title of the 1996 movie Space Jam . Awesome glitch so awesome glitch!!Inside the box, you will find a gun called 'Neutralizing Gwen' and a female skull. If casino parties south florida you do not add Moonstone, you will have a chance of getting green rarity. glitch slot machines borderlands 2

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Borderlands 2 Glitch Slot Machines Drop Legendary Guns
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