Though casino war isn’t as widespread as blackjack or roulette simulations, it’s easy to find free casino war online. Dozens of good tutorials and game simulators provide you computer gaming opportunities, while several apps exist which give you the ability to play with your mobile devices. The Facebook gaming community can play casino war with friends and acquaintances on the famous social networking sites. Even the real money online casinos offer a free version of their games. Almost anyway “for money” gambling is available, you’ll be able to play games for pure entertainment. Players who don’t want the stress and disappointment of losing real money never have to feel like they’re left out.
Below you will find the best online casinos for War games, as well as, rules and strategy for winning money at online Casino War. Casino War is one of the easiest and relaxing games in the casino, where you draw cards against the dealer and the higher card wins, and in case of a tie you go to war. Play the best online casino games and top rated online casinos! Online Casinos For Real Money - Video Poker, Blackjack, Slots and more other interesting games. Our site contains the most popular casinos in USA with a large number of first deposit bonuses, play and win only with us. Apr 16, 2015 Where to play Casino War online. Internet casinos haven’t been as quick to pick this card game up but that doesn’t mean there isn’t reputable sites where you can play it. One of the best software developers in its field, Microgaming, have created a Casino War title, which offers the standard rules and payouts, though there is a catch.
I’ll cover each of these options in the following article. Don’t ever feel the need to pay money for gaming if you don’t feel comfortable doing it. Anyone who get the same thrill from playing for free shouldn’t, because the free option is there 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Here’s how to find free casino war online.
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Play Free Casino War on iOS
If you own the an iOS device like iPhone or iPad, then download the free ioS iPhone Casino War app. This provides a player profile of victories and defeats, a ranking system, medals to mark your high points, and time limits which increase your gaming experience. Apple wanted simple rules mixed with a few interesting new options, which is what this game offers. The “No Guts, Not Glory” betting system gives you bigger payouts, but makes you face the risk of ruin. Choose one of three difficulty settings: novice, experienced, and expert. Play in different locations, such as the Sphinx Luxur Las Vegas. Choose to go to war or forfeit, which is this application’s version of surrender. Never forfeit. The casino war app is compatible with iPhones, iPods, and iPad tablet computers.
Play Free Casino War on Android
Several applications are downloadable for Android devices. These include the casino war app from Dobango Inc, “war” from Shadowapps, and “Fortunes of War” by Whalesong Games (excellent, though it costs $2.99). Of these, the most popular is Fortune of War, though again, you’ll have to pay $3 to download the application. The game from Dobanga Incorporated is tricked up, so be warned. It’s a hybrid of casino war and some kind of computer game. The player chooses a weapon for each combat and travels to exotic lands such as Zombie World, Deserted Egypt, and Livid Las Vegas. Therefore, if you want a straight version of casino war for free and without any wacky innovations, play the ShadowApps version.
Another place you might not expect to find casino war is the “Slot Maniac” application from Fun Durian Fred. This Android app needs verson 1.5 or later. Slot Maniac includes a number of virtual slot machines, but also blackjack, roulette, sicbo, keno, video poker, and casino war. This application is free.
I’ve recommended this before, but the Ultimate Casino Guide by Snuggz Production offers 17 games, including CasinoWar. This game is going to cost you $1.49, but it offers strategy guides, rules, instructions, and pay charts for seventeen different games. The game list is all over the place, with about a half dozen blackjack variants, pai gow poker, Let It Ride, and even sports betting. It’s worth the cost, though I understand those who want their games totally freeplay.
Online Casinos with Free Casino War Games or Apps
Remember that most casino on the Internet offer free versions of all their games. Once you’ve added the downloadable casino software package to your computer’s hard drive, all you have to do is click on the free version of any game. Casino’s offer this option so potential customers can playtest their games, see how their software works, and decide whether to become a real money player there. That option is open for anybody, but if you choose to become a perpetual free player, that’s alright, too.
Many websites don’t require a full download. These sites offer a no-download, instant play version of their games using either Adobe Flash or Java script. In this case, you won’t have to download the software onto your computer. All you have to do is click on where it says “Instant Play”, “No Download”, or “Flash Casino”. One operator to the next might change the terminology they use for their browser based games. They also move the location of this link around, though it’s usually on the homepage and found several other places on-site. Search around a bit and you’ll find it. In every case, remember to choose the free option.
Casino War Simulation
The Wizard of Odds website has a free casino war simulation. The game uses Java script to simulate real play and was updated as late as 2011. You’ll need an updated Java plug-in to make the game run smoothly, but this can be downloaded for free on the Java website. On the same page as the virtual simulation, you’ll find a link to the site’s casino war rules and strategy sections. These offer first-rate information at no price.
How to Cheat at Casino War
Casino table games involving cards are vulnerable to all sorts of card cheats. Casino war is not based on poker, like Caribbean Stud or Let It Ride, but because the game involves the use of playing cards, it’s vulnerable to traditional card cheats.
In fact, card cheats like marking cards may be easier to use to cheat casino war because the game involves as few as two cards: the dealer’s card and your own card. If a casino cheat were to mark high-value cards, the ones more likely to beat his own or to beat the dealer’s lower cards, he’d have a distinct advantage in knowing whether to go to war after a tie or whether to place a high paying 10 to 1 tie bet before the game starts.
Card marking is hardly the only cheat casino gamblers will try to gain an advantage at casino war. Dealer collusion is a real problem in casinos, and casino war dealers could easily work out a system with a gambler ahead of time to signal to the cheat what sort of bet he should place. For example, if a dealer could surreptitiously peek at the cards about to be dealt, he may be able to signal to the cheater if a tie bet (the bet in casino war that offers the best payout to the gambler) would pay off. The dealer could also use any number of card dealing tricks, such as dealing from the bottom, to make sure that the cheater won more often than he lost.
The problem with dealer collusion is that there’s no guarantee that a casino dealer would actually go through with a collusion deal. The cheater may pay off the dealer ahead of time to cheat; the dealer takes the money, and then doesn’t cheat at all. In that case, the cheater would have no means of approaching the dealer and trying to get his money back. After all, he’s cheating the casino illegally.
Hiding or palming cards could help a casino cheat beat the dealer at war. For example, keeping a literal ace up his sleeve could help the cheat switch out his card with the ace, the highest value card in the game. Unfortunately for the cheat, this switch would be hard to pull off, since casino war doesn’t offer the cheater much room to switch out a card without the dealer or casino security noticing.
Casino war has simple rules that leave fewer opportunities for traditional card cheating than other card games. Besides dealer collusion or card marking, the simple rules of casino war make it hard for a cheater to successfully influence the outcome of the game.
Side Wager & House Edge
There is a side bet available in the game of Casino War: a wager that your first card will tie the dealer’s card. Since this bet pays out at 10:1, a winning wager of this nature can be quite profitable. But the casino’s edge on this bet is over 18.5%: only Sic Bo, Big Six, some slots, and Keno give the house a better advantage than this sucker bet, so unless you get off on making a big risk for a 10:1 reward, avoid this side wager.
How to Win Casino War Games: Strategy and Advice
Simple games have simple rules and basic strategic advice. The same holds true for Casino War. A house advantage of 2.88% for the basic Casino War bet encourages more sophisticated gamblers to play more complicated games with lower house edges. Many games in a casino feature worse odds, but just a few hands of Casino War should be enough to convince you to look for a game with a better expected payout and more entertainment value. If your nostalgia for the childhood game called War is too much to overcome, some strategy tips can help you improve your shot at walking away a winner.
The first question most players of this game ask is whether they should surrender their bet or go head-to-head in the event of a tie. Mathematically speaking, doing battle with the dealer makes sense, and surrendering half your wager is a losing proposition. In a head-to-head battle, you’re risking 2 betting units for a potential 1 unit win, which sounds like a bad idea if you know much about gambling. But giving up half your bet is always less profitable than potentially earning a win, even if it is a 1-2 win.
The strategy of always competing against the dealer in a War after a card tie means giving the casino a 2.88% advantage, while surrendering at every instance of a tie give the casino an edge of just under 4%.
Should I Place the Dealer Tie Side Bet?
As for the 10:1 payout available for bets placed on a tie between dealer and player? Don’t fall for it. Side bets are for suckers. This game is simple, moves lightening fast, and the house is happy to take advantage of the 18.65% edge that they earn from that terrible side wager. Since an average of 65 hands of War play out in an hour, placing a $1 side bet for a tie on each hand at a Casino War table means dumping about $12 in the casino’s pockets each hour, with the odds of actually winning that side bet nowhere near worth that investment. The bottom line: avoid the tie-with-the-dealer sucker bet unless you have a great time gambling away your bankroll.
No doubt the casino or online gaming site you’re playing at has a more interesting game available, probably one with better odds than those offered by Casino War. If you can’t keep yourself away from everyone’s favorite childhood card game, remember to always go head-to-head with the dealer on all ties, avoid the $1 side bet for dealer ties, and try to have a good time. Spend enough at the War table and the casino will likely reward you with a few freebies, and these free drinks and steak dinners cut away just a tiny bit at their edge. If you’re having fun, you’re winning at Casino War.
Rules of War in the Casino
Play begins when the dealer hands one card to each player who has placed a bet and one card to himself. There’s no mystery here; all the cards are dealt face-up. Winners are determined based on the value of the cards; if the dealer’s card is higher than your card, you lose. If your card is higher than the dealer’s card, you win. Beating the dealer pays out at even-money.
The game has a wrinkle, and that wrinkle is the situation that gives the game its name. Should the dealer’s card and your card tie, you can “go to war” with the dealer. You can also choose to surrender, rather than face off against the dealer in a card battle, but that surrender option means that you only get half your bet returned to you. If you do go to war, you’ll have to place a wager equal to your initial bet in order to continue.
When you go to war against the dealer, the top three cards are buried and play starts over, only this time between just you and the dealer; no other players are involved. These cards are dealt face-up, just like in the first round of the game. Should the dealer’s second card beat yours, you lose your original AND secondary bet. On the other hand, if your second card beats or even ties the dealer’s second card, you win back your original bet only. That means odds of 1-2, or $1 paid for each $2 bet in a war situation.
Advice for High Limit Players
Don’t forget that online casino war has a house edge over 2%. That means for every $100 you wager, you should lose about $2. If you wager $10,000, you can expect to lose $200. Variation means those numbers aren’t written in stone. The results can deviate significantly from the theoretical advantage the casino has. For instance, you might have one person at a table who wins back all $100, while another loses $4. Yet another might win $105 for every $100 spent, while another might even out the average by only winning back $91 for every $100 spent. Winners happen in any casino game, or else people wouldn’t keep playing.
Just because you’re a high roller, that doesn’t mean you have to be foolhardy. Play for the thrill of the game, but play for the smallest amount which gives you an adrenaline rush. If you’re trying to impress a date, understand that with most people, putting $5,000 on the line is just as impressive as putting $10,000. Don’t try to impress the casino staff, because I guarantee you they’ve seen somebody spend more. Play for yourself, but be smart about it. Finally, never surrender. Always go to war, because this increases your payback percentage between 0.4% and about 1.0%, depending on how many decks are being used.
Live Casino War Games Online
Casino war was not one of the first games converted over to live dealers. Blackjack, roulette, and baccarat seemed to be the first games with live dealers. Craps sometimes is included on certain sites. Players are less likely to find casino war, though it should be one of the next to appear in the live format. The rapid play makes it profitable from a casino’s perspective, while the house edge just over 2% makes casino war a better play option than most of the games out of those already being played live.
I mention live online casino gambling to the high rollers, because this seems to go hand-in-hand with their play style. Part of the fun of being a high roller is being treated like you’re special. That dynamic is lost in many online gambling venues, because it’s so impersonal. Live dealers puts the “person” back in personal service, so you interact with a real live dealer. Once you’ve played at their live casino for a while and built up some rapport, ask for special comps and cashback from the dealer’s pit boss, with whom you can interact online, too.
Tips for Low Limit Casino War Players
When you’re playing penny online casino war or even $1 casino war, it would be no shock to learn you’re watching every dollar spent. If so, then it makes sense to follow the best strategies for keeping as much cash as possible in your wallet and out of the hands of the casino. These following suggestions are meant to give you a chance to walk out of the casino with as much money as possible.
Pacifism gets you nowhere in casino war. Surrender raises the house edge, so always choose “going to war” over the alternative. For every $100 you wager while choosing surrender over war, you lose an extra $1.37. Remember, if you go to war, you have a 50/50 chance of owning nothing and winning the amount of your original stake.
The tie bet pays out 10 to 1 when you win it. As with most table game bets which pay double digits, you pay for the thrill of winning. Depending on how many decks are being used, you stand to lose between 18% and 35% of your total wager when choosing the tie bet. That’s a sucker bet under any definition. Don’t be a sucker.
Know how many aces have appeared recently. If no aces have shown up in a while, that means some should appear soon. Aces can’t be beaten, so you’ll receive a tie in the worst case and a win over 90% of the time.
Don’t assume you’re going to get rich playing casino war. The casino has the advantage, so you’re hoping to get lucky. Most people lose or the casino couldn’t stay in business. Play for the smallest amount of money which gives you a thrill. Never play at denominations which hurt your bank account, your ability to make car payments and house payments, or damage your credit rating. Play only with disposable cash which is used to pay for entertainment costs. Treat casino visits like they’re entertainment expenses.
Playing against a house edge, if you played an infinite amount of time, no matter how lucky you got, you would still lose all your money. The longer the game goes, the more likely the results and the house edge are going to look alike. Set a time limit, then walk away when the time expires–no matter what. Either you’re losing and this saves you money or you’re winning and it locks in a profit. Besides, in terms of fun, casino games have a law of diminishing returns. That is, the longer you play, the less a person tends to enjoy the visit. As they say, the new wears off.
Glossary of Terms
Let’s take a look at the terminology you need to play casino war. Some of these terms are common to poker or other forms of card playing, while others are unique to casino war itself. A few definitions come from online casino war, which is now a popular game in Internet casinos.
52 Card Deck – The standard deck size used in casino war. This contains 4 suits of 13 cards apiece, from 2 to ace.
Ante Bet – This is the original bet placed on your game.
Ante Box – In online casino war, a box which shows the current ante bet you made.
Bonus Bet – When a tie occurs and the player bets on that tie, then a 10:1 bet can be made. If the player’s and dealer’s cards match again, then the player wins at 10 to 1 payout on the second tie.
Burning Cards – When a tie occurs, some casinos “burn” cards before dealing new ones. When you burn a card, this only means it is drawn, yet not given to one player or the other. For the duration of the hand, that card sits by the wayside. In the Borgata Casino in Las Vegas, 6 cards are burned before dealing a new card. The idea of burning cards is to discourage card counting, while discouraging dealers from knowing which cards they are dealing players (who could be confederates of the dealer).
Casino War Forum – A message board or community which discusses casino war. Few of these exist, but if you go on forums for blackjack, craps, or other table games, you can find sub-categories devoted to miscellaneous games which cover the subject of casino war. For instance, “BlackJackInfo” has postings on casino war.
Credit Box – In online casino war, a box which shows how much money you have in your cash stack.
Denomination – This is the face value of the card, the same as the card rank. A denomination might be 2, 8, jack, or ace.
Go to War – Going to war happens when a tie occurs. The bet is doubled and both sides draw a new card, which settles the double-or-nothing wager. A second tie can occur, which triggers a new round of betting and another case of going to war.
House Edge – The casino’s edge or “house advantage” is the amount of money they can expect to win at a game, based on a percentage of 100%. Most games of casino war have a house edge of just over 2%, which makes it an average games in terms of payback.
Raise – The act of betting a second time on the tie bet.
Raise Box – In online casino war, a box which shows how much you need to pay to raise the bet.
SHFL Entertainment Inc – The new name of Shuffle Master Inc, which created casino war, based on the card game “War”.
Suit – One of four symbols on a playing card: clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. The suit doesn’t matter in casino war.
Surrender – If a tie happens, a player can choose to surrender, which means they lose half their bet. The surrender rule, which is similar to the surrender rule for blackjack, is an option for ties in casino war. Statistics show that surrender increases the house edge in casino war slightly, so a player should never choose the surrender option.
Tie Bet – The same as “Bonus Bet”. This pays 10:1 when you have two ties in a row and you’ve made this side bet. Avoid making this bet, which has a house edge between 18% and 35%, depending on the number of decks being played. The tie bet is a classic sucker bet.
Tie Box – In online casino war, a box which shows the current value of the tie bet you made.
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Tie Payout – If you don’t make the bonus bet after a tie, you still win a 2:1 payout if you get a second tie in a row.
Win Box – In online casino war, a box which shows a player’s total winnings in the game to this point.
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This list of terms provides you with every conceivable concept you need to understand casino war. In the end, casino war is the simplest game of chance you can play, easier to learn even than baccarat. Casino war’s ease of play and it’s fast pace make the game popular, despite the fact it’s based on a game most of us played when we were children. Though most changes from the game we knew help the casino make money, one or two of them actually improves a player’s enjoyment of the game. It always bothered me that the person who got all the aces won the game automatically (in the end), but the version of war you’ll find in casinos avoids that rule altogether, because neither side has a continuous deck. Casino war is a good introductory game for new gamblers, because it’s got better odds than slot machines. Use what you’ve learned here to give it a try and see if you agree.
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Internet Casino War for Free
That gives you numerous possibilities for play. If you don’t like the WizardofOdds version for some reason, you can find other gambling related sites which offer similar free games. These help you learn the game and practice betting so you’ll look like a pro when you play in a live casino setting. Free casino war online also helps you get a feel for the game, so you can decide whether you want to play for real money at all. Remember that some sites are likely to make their free version easier, hoping to lure players in with easy wins. Most online casinos don’t have time or inclination for this, since they’re busy figuring out ways to win money from their real money players. Either way, understand that the real money casino war games always have a house edge. Play long enough and you’ll lose, so keep your sessions shortened. In the short run, you might beat the odds and walk away a winner.
Casino War is one of the first card games I ever played as a kid. Sitting at the kitchen table with my grandfather, I thought War was the best game ever invented. Little did I know back then that casinos also offer a real-money version of the game.
Casino War is not a difficult game to learn. In fact, you could probably visit any gambling site right now with no preparation and figure it out on your own. The goal in the game is to simply get a higher card than the dealer.
Where to Play Casino War for Real Money
The majority of real money gambling sites offer Casino War although I have found a few that don’t. But for the most part, you won’t have any trouble finding casinos with the game. The most important thing in choosing a casino is finding a casino that has a positive reputation.
With that in mind, any of the following casinos will treat you well:
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How to Play
If you need a refresher on how to play Casino War, this is it. The gist of the game is that you place a wager and then both you and the dealer receive one card. If your card is higher, you win. If your card is lower, you lose. That’s how the majority of hands play out. All bets are paid out in even money terms. So if you bet $1, you’ll get $1 for winning.
When a tie occurs, you have the option to fold or go to war. If you fold, you lose your wager and continue to the next hand. If you choose to go to war, you will place another bet equal to the size of the first bet and then you and the dealer will each receive one more card.
If you win after going to war, you receive an even money bet on your original wager only. The second wager is returned to you without any additional winnings. If you lose after going to war, you lose both bets. This is where the house advantage originates.
At some casinos (including the ones listed above), tying again after going to war is an automatic win for the player. So let’s say you play a hand of casino war and tie. You choose to go to war and then tie yet again. In that case, you will automatically win even money on your original bet and have your second bet returned to you without any winnings.
How to Win
There is no guaranteed method for winning at Casino War. The game has a fixed structure and there’s nothing you can do to beat the casino over the long term.
However, there is one piece of strategy that will help you keep the house advantage at an acceptable level:
Always go to war.
If you choose to NOT go to war, you forfeit your bet and lose the hand. There’s no coming back from that. If you go to war, you increase your risk a little bit, but you still have a chance to win. The math proves that going to war is always the best strategy.
The house advantage of casino war is roughly 2.87% if you always go to war. The advantage changes a little based on how many decks are in play, but it is usually a little under 3%. This isn’t a terrible house advantage considering how simple the game is. Most simple casino games (such as keno) have a much higher house advantage.
If you ever play at a casino that offers a wager on the tie outcome, avoid that wager. The tie bet has a terribly high house advantage that can range anywhere from less than 18% to more than 35%. Betting on the tie is a fast way to lose money. Don’t do it.
Deposit Bonuses with Casino War

Casino war is not compatible with all casino bonuses. I had to check every casino on my recommended list above to make sure it allows casino war to be played when clearing the welcome bonus. Some casinos specifically restrict casino war from being used to clear their bonuses.
If you’re considering a casino other than the ones listed on this page, make sure you read the bonus terms and conditions before you sign up and deposit. I have seen some casinos that say that if you place a single bet on casino war, the entire bonus will be voided.
Do your research and make sure your casino allows the bonus to be cleared with casino war. If you’re dead-set on a casino that DOES NOT allow casino war for the bonus, you can usually send them an e-mail and ask them to let you make a deposit without getting any bonus at all.